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Heptals Innovations &Technology Pvt Ltd

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Heptals is an Education & Design consulting company located in Kerala, providing service to Architects,Contractors, Interior Designers, Civil Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, ACP Consultants, HVAC Consultants, Furniture Designers and Landscape Contractors for over 2 years now. We own the Franchisee of a 26 year old firm CADPOINT Engineering Solutions Pvt Ltd also known as CADPOINT Kochi, having unit in Kalamassery for the Authenticity of Certificates that we provide. For SAP trainings being a SAP Authorized Training Centre we have also partnered with EME (Electro Mech Enterprises Pvt Ltd) a team of creative IT enthusiasts, dedicated to provide cutting edge solutions to industry and education verticals toprovide SAP Education on SAP Enable now Power User Program on Modules like SAP FICO, SAP MM, SAP PP & SAP SD. Heptals works on the basic principle of providing tangible solutions to its customers at all levels using the intellect, purpose and appreciations. The company directive is finding solutions for customer by communicating effectively with them and team to come up with the most feasible, viable and cost-effectivesolution. We believe that figuring together has highest potential for any solution. Thoughts are always a vision of mind. Designing of a solution for a customer need is provided with their Aspect in mind. Any Ideas or requirement is treated with utmost importance from its inception stage to its completion. Idea is nurtured through a systematic application of technology to provide a useful and feasible product or solution. We believe in creating value through customer satisfaction at all levels. Business partnering and long-term association with customers is our strength. We know that this cannot be achieved without transparency at all levels, continuous improvement in skills, knowledge, and true fulfilment of our commitments.
